Ping WEI


Ping WEI


Peking University

Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies

Principle Investigator


Education and Work Experience

2002         B.S., Nankai University

2007         Ph.D., Peking University

2007-2009    Postdoc, PKU-UCSF Intergrated Trainning Program

2009-2013    Postdoc, The Howard Hughes Medical Institute

2013-Present  Principle Investigator, Peking University


Expertise and Research Interests

His lab is mainly focused on developping synthetic biology tools to engineer the important siganl transduction pathway in deciding the fate of cells. And then using the reprogramed singal transduction network to creat “smart” artificial cells.



Selected Publication

Wei P, Wong WW, Park JS, Corcoran EE, Peisajovich SG, Onuffer JJ, Weiss A, Lim WA. Bacterial virulence proteins as tools to rewire kinase pathways in yeast and immune cells. Nature. 2012, 488: 384-388.

Peisajovich SG, Garbarino JE, Wei P, Lim WA. Rapid diversification of cell signaling phenotypes by modular domain recombination. Science. 2010, 328: 368-372.

Liang H, Chen H, Fan F, Wei P, Guo X, Jin C, Zeng C, Tang C, Lai L. De novo design of a beta alpha beta motif. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2009, 48:3301-3.

Chen H, Wei P, Huang C, Tan L, Liu Y, Lai L. Only one protomer is active in the dimer of SARS 3C-like proteinase. J. Biol. Chem. 2006, 281: 13894-13898.

Wei P, Fan K, Chen H, Ma L, Huang C, Tan L, Xi D, Li C, Liu Y, Ca A, Lai L. The N-terminal octapeptide acts as a dimerization inhibitor of SARS coronavirus 3C-like proteinase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006, 339: 865-872.



Peking University, Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies

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