Zheng LIU


Zheng LIU


Tsinghua University

Department of Chemical Engineering

MOE Chang Jiang Scholarship Professor of Biochemical Engineering


Education and Work Experience


1987          BSc,  Tsinghua University,

1989          MSc , Tsinghua University,

1993          PhD, Tsinghua University,

1993-1994     UNESCO Fellow, Dept. of Biochemical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Research Interests:      

 Prof. Liu' research focuses on chemical and biomolecular engineering, with special interests in simulation and control of protein conformational transition in vitro; design and synthesis nanostructured enzyme catalysts for chemical synthesis; and bioremediation of contaminated soil. He has supervised more than 40 graduate students, published 180 peer-reviewed journal papers, and 12 patents


Selected Publication

Lyu FJ, Zhang YF, Zare RN, Ge J*, and Liu Z*. One-Pot Synthesis of Protein-Embedded Metal−Organic Frameworks with Enhanced Biological Activities. Nano Letters. 2014, 14: 5761-5765.

Zhang YF, Lyu FJ, Ge J* and Liu Z*. Ink-jet printing an optimal multi-enzyme system. Chem Commun. 2014, 50: 12919-12922.

Li ZX, Zhang YF, Su YC, Ouyang PK, Ge J* and Liu Z*. Spatial co-localization of multi-enzymes by inorganic nanocrystal–protein complexes. Chem Commun.2014, 50: 12465-12468.

Kong X, Qi SS, Lu DN* and Liu Z*. Surface tension effects on the phase transition of a DPPC bilayer with and without protein: a molecular dynamics simulation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2014, 16: 8434-8440.

Kong X, Li ZX, Lu DN*, Liu Z* and Wu JZ. Multiscale simulation of surfactant–aquaporin complex formation and water permeability. RSC Advances. 2014, 4:37592–37599.



Tsinghua University , Department of Chemical Engineering


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