清华大学 生命科学学院
2000-2004 中国农业大学 本科
2004-2007 清华大学 硕士
2007-2013 加州大学戴维斯分校 博士
2013-2014 加州大学戴维斯分校 博士后
2014-2021 斯坦福大学 博士后
2021-现在 清华大学生命科学学院 助理教授
2021-现在 清华大学生命科学联合中心 研究员
1,Wang H, Han M, Qi LS, Engineering 3D genome organization, Nature Review Genetics, 2021 Feb; PMID: 33558716;
2,Wang H, Nakamura M, Abbott TR, Zhao D, Luo K, Yu C, Nguyen CM, Lo A, Daley PT, La Russa M, Liu Y, Qi LS, CRISPR-mediated live imaging of genome editing and transcription. Science, 2019 Sep; Vol. 365, Issue 6459, pp. 1301-1305.
3,Wang H, Xu X, Nguyen CM, Liu Y, Gao Y, Lin X, Daley PT, Kipniss NH, La Russa M, Qi LS, CRISPR-Mediated Programmable 3D Genome Positioning and Nuclear Organization. Cell, 2018 Oct; 175, 1405-1417 e1414.
4,Wang H, La Russa M, Qi LS, CRISPR-Cas9 in genome editing and beyond. The Annual Review of Biochemistry, 2016 Aug; Vol. 85: 227-264.
5,Wang H, Brust-Mascher I and Scholey JM, The microtubule cross-linker Feo controls the midzone stability, motor composition, and elongation of the anaphase B spindle in Drosophila embryos. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2015 Apr 15; 26(8):1452-62. PMID: 25694445. Selected as the Cover paper.
6,Wang H, Brust-Mascher I and Scholey JM, Sliding filaments and mitotic spindle organization, Nature Cell Biology, 2014 Aug; 16(8):737-739. PMID: 25082196.
7,Wang H, Brust-Mascher I, Civelekoglu-Scholey G and Scholey JM, Patronin mediates a switch from kinesin-13-dependent poleward flux to anaphase B spindle elongation, Journal of Cell Biology, 2013 Oct; 203(1):35-46. PMCID: PMC3798244.